Friday, 30 May 2014

Resetting the Operating System

I understand recently that we as humans grow up and develop a body consciousness a template or model which we become familiar with. I realised that for my beginning years in Aunkai training I was trying to overlay Aunkai principles and train movements on top of a mind body template that was wrong. So no matter what things I learned or tried to learn the underlying operating system was wrong so none of the applications worked. Now I have reset my operating system and continue to reset and refine it and now the applications are working better. This is easy to read about and conceptually understand but the body mind or body conscious or operating system is hidden under many layers of the mind and already feels natural and is difficult to access and to be aware of. This is I believe is a very important and difficult part of bujutsu.


  1. Michael, when you say you are resetting your body's OS, do you mean to say you are moving away from Aunkai principles? or are you meaning that you are simply refreshing the principles in a new body/mind template? If you are moving away from Aunkai, why? and what are you moving towards? Simply a curious budoka

    1. Thank you for your comment. I am not moving away from Aunkai principles if anything I am moving closer to them. I have realised that knowing and practising aunkai principles on top of a operating system that is wrong will just cause frustration. But it is still necessary to work through that struggle because you won't know what operating system you need if you don't struggle. I can compare it to being ignorant and not aware of a character trait and then somebody pointing it out to you, and you never realized. You have to have this sort of realization with your body, but it's much harder and in other people cannot point it out to you, you have to discover it by yourself. You will find it by struggle and chance!
