Thursday, 13 March 2014

Kneading the body

Went to training at Aunkai tonight. Sensei spoke about a deep concept, kneading the body. This kneading and open closing of the body is the key to bujutsu. Posture and correct hip alignment are a prerequisite, then we need to think about how to knead and open/close the body to move, accept an opponents movement and then issue a response from a deep place in the body. If the power comes from a deep enough place, the opponent will not feel it until it's already in him. This is the reason why bujutsu is so unique and dangerous.
I am enjoying my training very much. I approach it with a carefree and relaxed attitude and I am getting better results. I don't want to be famous or the strongest fighter anymore or to prove myself. I just want to train and explore my body ,mind and heart and find out who I truly am. Aunkai is a for me a true gift....

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