Thursday, 16 October 2014

Training tonight

Sensei is about to leave for France tomorrow we had last lesson with him. He taught us so much tonight, he is a great teacher, a good man with a very good heart. Another teacher with not such a big heart would have left us all by now....

He taught a lot of principles tonight and I am still trying to order and understand what he taught. When I have practised them and understood them for myself and in my body I will try to talk about them in another post

Recently in my solo practice I understand much better what my posture requirements and spine position needs to be and I am much more relaxed and understand much better what I need to be working on.

This is all well and good but if I cannot keep those body principles, connections and posture requirements in live situations under pressure than basically it means I have nothing in a Bujutsu sense.

I have to learn to bridge the very difficult gap between solo practice and free sparring and learn somehow to keep the Bujutsu mind and body principles in place. This is very difficult without reverting back to my old body movement and fighting habits. If you think it's easier it's not.....

I think this is where the spirit is very important, we have to think very deeply about what the Bujutsu aunkai spirit is and how to develop it. You can sense it around Akuzawa sensei and it is our job to take a bit of it and develop it for ourselves. What does Bujutsu mean? What does it really mean and what type of individuals do we need to be and what type of mind, heart and spirit do we need to develop. These are very deep questions which I need to take very seriously...

His teaching style is mostly very relaxed and he is easy going, but if you look closer he is very serious and severe on himself and the disciplines he puts himself under in order to develop his art of Aunkai

A teacher like Akuzawa sensei comes around once in a couple of generations, we are very lucky and we have to grave some of his spirit now......